
Guilin Microtech Optical Instrument Co., Ltd. (MTO)



The universal bracket

      Using universal stands can extend working area, can observe objects in any direction. There are 4 kinds of universal stands can be selected.


   Model: U1 or U1C universal stand
● Cast iron oleplate,anticorrosive and wearable metal post,aluminium alloy rail.
● Use with holder SF1,can observe object with any direction,enlarge the range of observation.
● The size of the soleplate: 254×254×40mm(used in U1)
● The maximal clamped thickness of U shape nip: 63.2mm(used in U1C)
● The height of post:475mm,diameter:Φ37mm ● Rail with gear ang rack flexed adjustment, the shortest flexed length is 560mm, and the longest is 605mm, diameter:Φ37mm
● The measurement to match between the steeve and the aperture:Φ25mm

U1 exemplify





  Model: U2 or U2C universal stand
  ● Cast iron soleplate,anticorrosive and wearable metal post,aluminium alloy telescopic rail. Use with holder SF1,can observe object with any direction,enlarge the range of observation.
  ● The size of the soleplate: 254×254×40mm(used in U2)
  ● The maximal clamped thickness of U shape nip: 63.2mm(used in U2c)
  ● The height of post:475mm,diameter:Φ37mm
  ● The measurement to match between the steeve and the aperture:Φ25mm

U2 exemplify





  Model: U3 or U3C universal stand
  ● Cast iron soleplate,two stainless steel rails,exact sliding bearing,insure agile glide.
  ● The size of the soleplate: 254×254×40mm(used in U3)
  ● The maximal clamped thickness of U shape nip: 63.2mm(used in U3c)
  ● The height of post:475mm,diameter:Φ37mm
  ● The length of double rails:460mm,diameter:Φ19.05mm
  ● The measurement to match between the steeve and the aperture:Φ25mm

U3 exemplify





  Model: U4 minitype universal stand
  ● Cast iron soleplate,anticorrosive and wearable metal post, rail. Use with holder SF1,can observe object with any direction,enlarge the range of observation.
  ● The size of the soleplate: Φ220mm , height: 30mm
  ● The height of post:345mm,diameter:Φ25mm
  ● The length of rail:345mm,diameter:Φ25mm
  ● The measurement to match between the steeve and the aperture:Φ25mm

U4 exemplify



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