
Guilin Microtech Optical Instrument Co., Ltd. (MTO)



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President Speech

Honorable old and new clients and friends:

      MT company was founded in March 2001. Within the space of just fifteen years, it has rapidly become into a Hi-tech technical Enterprise aimed at the research, production and sales of optics, photoelectric instrument and the relevant software and an up-and-coming youngster in photoelectric trades. The great success we have achieved so far depends on your sincere support, help and trust! On behalf of the company, I wish to extend to you our heartfelt respect and gratitude!

      In line with “Human resources and drawing on the best of each staff” principle, our company has already established the proper mechanism of cultivating talented persons and has a talented person troop. At present our company purchased land to set up company’s base for our research production in the Information Industries Garden of Guilin. After this, the company’s growth will be accelerated.

      In retrospect, we fully realize the achievement we have made relies on hard work. Look ahead the future, we will have full confidence in own prospects. Bearing the management concept in mind “Do specially, Do fine, Do strongly”, we will walk towards the fixed development goal and meet fruitful future with old and new clients together.


President: Wei Feng

继保后台监控| 药敏实验纸片| 陶瓷纤维马弗炉| 电动高强螺栓检测仪| 多轴钻孔器| 电力物联网仪表| 齿轮快速加热器| 合肥代理记账| 实验室水平工作台| 法兰连接型电磁流量计| HUBNER编码器| 智能电子拉力试验机| 激光焊接机| LED冲孔发光字| 抛光烟尘收集净化| 曲轴磨削烧伤检测仪| 潜水员水下封堵施工| 总碳氢监测仪| PE一体化污水处理设备| 生物液氮储存系统| DAGE4000推拉力测试仪| MHYVRP矿用通讯电缆| 山东奥凯诺矿机| 大功率探针台| 油烟净化器| 便携式非甲烷总烃分析仪| 畜牧电子地磅秤| 全封闭钢制拖链| 直行程电子式执行器| 山美重工| 腐蚀率仪| 攻丝机| 进口冻干机总代理| 电液动换向阀| 辐射监测仪| 青岛大江机械| VOC检测仪| KOZE工业PH电极| 开关接点无线测温装置| 环形防爆鼓风机| 孔板流量计|