
Guilin Microtech Optical Instrument Co., Ltd. (MTO)



Position:  > Product  >  Stereo Microscopes

My company Stereo Microscopes are characterized by high resolution, high resolution, large depth of field, long working distance, novel structure, variety complete, is noted for its fine performance. They can be divided into four categories: Parallel Optical Zoom Stereo Microscopes, Greenough Optical System Zoom Stereo Microscopes, Dual Magnification Stereo Microscopes and Coaxial Illumination Zoom Stereo Microscopes. It includes MZPS0850; MZPS0880; MZS0655; MZS0870 and MZS1065; MZS0745; MZS0740; The MTS. MZS1865C etc. 9 series. My company's products can be widely applied to various fields.

Stereo Microscopes
435升电子防潮箱| 脱硫尾液废水处理设备| 可燃气体检测仪| nalgene放水口大瓶| 无线二氧化碳探测器| 矿用隔爆电磁阀| 布氏粘度测定仪| 回流焊机厂家| 蓄电池活化仪| 样品粉碎机| 火焰风管光度计| 玻璃钢化炉| 环保草毯| 频闪仪之父| 折叠滤芯| 潜水搅拌机(工业\铸件式\射流\离心曝气机)| 沸腾干燥制粒机| 重庆牛津直读光谱仪维修| 硅酸根测定仪| 恶臭气体监测仪厂家| 锂电电极粉体软连接| 致凯粉体机械制造| 广东电缆厂| 6728531水检测管| 钢制拖链生产厂家| 西门子电磁流量传感器| Plasma清洗机| 电缆变频串联谐振装置| 阀门试压机| 地埋式积水监测预警系统| 蔬菜烘干加工流水线生产厂家| 管道自动焊接| 北京宏祥恒泰| 储罐呼吸阀| 功能母粒| 国产电子天平供应商(电子天平厂家直销)| 高比表面积氢氧化钙| 自动铝塑包装机| 自动部分收集器| PP丝网除沫器| 便携式移动XRF光谱仪|