
Guilin Microtech Optical Instrument Co., Ltd. (MTO)



MZDH0850 High-Resolution Series

◆  Infinite farness and coaxial illuminate optical systems

◆  High-resolution and high definition

◆  Can observe different objects by using LED coaxial illumination or fiber optic illumination.

◆  Wildly used in electric equipments, semi-conductor, LCD,LED and etc. for digital image observation, inspection and measurement


Can be custom-made pre-set stops at integer magnification with detent in zoom course

Magnification positioned repeatedly and exactly with detents in zoom course, especially suitable for planar & three-dimensional inspection.

C: Coaxial illumination,

● Excellent coaxial illumination, especially suitable for manufacture, inspection of LCD and observation of reflective objects.

◆ The system using stepper motor, elaborate to design signal control module to make sure accurate each time while zooming
◆ Precise motion mechanism which has high degree of repeatability and concentric degree of optical axis
◆ Excellent performance, high resolution, low distortion
◆ Compact design, easy to assemble and install

 Main Body Diagram

二氧化碳高压泵| 高低温试验箱| azbil日本山武| 德国科诺KNOLL离心泵| BYK梳规| 工具柜| 机械表深圳工厂| 合福自动型医用封口机| 蒸发式冷凝器| 电磁超声测厚仪| 精密清洗剂| 混凝土搅拌站| 测土配方施肥仪厂家| 致凯粉体机械制造| 混合机厂家| 橡胶耐油试验机| 普尔世puls导轨电源| 垃圾破碎粉碎线| Prometheus色度计| 磁性分离器| 凿岩设备| 人乳腺癌细胞MCF| TRIMOS测长机| 网掌柜| 【山东凯斯锐】专注于钢结构智能设备| 等离子清洗仪| 手持氧传感器| 磷酸铁锂浸出料液除钙镁| 高精度智能配气系统| 天津工程机械研究院| 重介质旋流器维修| 真空出料泵| marposs定制检具| 法国CAHOUET调节阀| 台式离心机| 河北睿建试验仪器设备厂| 立体仓库实训装置| 滨州电梯不锈钢包边| 油液监测系统| 包头空调软管生产厂家| 换向阀|