
Guilin Microtech Optical Instrument Co., Ltd. (MTO)



Position:  > Product  >  Attachments

      In order to satisfy the using request of researching modern biology, semiconductor and other technology industry, MTO stereo microscopes modularization design, has many kinds of attachments can be selected, such as universal stands, eyepieces, divisional eyepieces, auxiliary objectives, photo adapters, mechanical stage etc.

      MTO zoom monocular video microscope systems have different types of main bodys, and also have various of attachments. Including kinds of stands,  many magnification CCD adapters, auxiliary objective can be selected.

高温烤漆房| 橡木颗粒制品批发厂家| 拉力试验机| 电压降测试仪| 氧化锌避雷器测试仪| 电脑自动端子机| 浸入式水平振荡器| 高光照高光强培养箱| 气象站设备厂家| Rexroth比例阀| 山东环氧地坪| 建筑吊篮| Agilent| 传导CS测试设备| 果蔬肉类食品检测仪| 全自动十字板剪切仪| 氧化锆探头| 塑钢缠绕管生产线| 细胞嵌入皿| 高压除锈机生产厂家| 行星齿轮减速机| 电子听音器| 铁丝网围栏| 变频介质损耗测试仪| 朗博labom压力变送器| 电磁辐射监测系统| 爱克发工业胶片| Supersil色谱柱| 昆明室内甲醛治理| 自动金属检测机| 脱硫搅拌器| 测量投影仪| EMB继电器| 液体硅橡胶| HYDAC继电器| 气体| 速度传感器| 粉末材料电阻率测试仪| 冷光源植物生长箱| 低温锡膏| SICK传感器|